I could kick myself for waiting so long to see this movie but between family, work, and writing I just hadn’t had the chance. But today I watched X-Men First Class and I freaking loved it! James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender were excellent. Then there was Kevin Bacon as the bad guy. Totally shocked me. And I wouldn’t be lying if I didn’t say the small cameo by Wolverine himself, Hugh Jackman, didn’t surprise me.
Now this could just be me and my love for M/M romances but I was hoping that Charles and Erik would end up together. Crazy right? That would never happen in a high budgeted film. But still they would have made an awesome couple. I mean realistically Hollywood and the general world at large need to get over the dislike of m/m or f/f relationships on the silver screen. I would have to image the gays of the world are sick of seeing nothing but straight people themed movies.
Even without a torrid love affair between Charles and Erik the movie still rocked. I never read the comic books so I often wondered how it all began. I enjoyed it immensely and would recommend it to all. I’m a sci-fi geek so this was right up my alley.