I had another short story posted to the Long and the Short of It website today, An Eggcellent Offer. I thought the name was quite witty on my part. I wrote this short when I took a break from a larger project I was working on. I no crazy right? Take a break from writing to write something else? But I did. I think its a cute little story and so does my sister. She already found a misspelled word. Gotta love family!
I just submitted my full manuscript for Going Home to an editor. She emailed about three weeks ago and made some suggestion to make to the story and then send her the full edited manuscript. So now the dreadful process of waiting. I hate to wait. I get in my head to much thinking its not good enough or they wont like it. That shit will drive a person bat ass crazy. But I hope I have some good news soon.
Writing a story is like having kid, a lot of work. Except with writing I'm not required to chauffeur it around to soccer and baseball practice. Don't get me wrong I love my little monsters but the mouths on them, dear lord. I cuss a lot so what do I expect.
Well back to it I guess. I have work to do on another story I just finished and a review to get turned in. Its never ending around here, but I love it!!!